SYLLABUS Eng. CCG2A/Fall 1994

English Composition II: Writing and Literature

Instructor: David A. Goldfarb

T-Th 2:00-3:15, Office Hours: T 12:00-1:00


Grades will be weighted as follows:
Timed Writing Assignment 15%
5 p. reading 20%
Research Paper Proposal 5%
5 p. Research Paper 25%
Journal & Daily Assignments 20%
Participation 15%

The class will be structured as a workshop. Class participation will be taken very seriously in the determination of your final grade. You are expected to do all the reading carefully and to make arguments on the basis of it in class and in your assignments.

JOURNALS: Good papers start with good preparation. Too often instructors spend a great deal of time attempting to correct problems in student papers without considering what went into them. Often when we read books for a class or project, we do not know exactly what we are looking for, what to underline, or what to take notes on. In this class, we will work specifically on those skills by keeping journals that will be collected periodically and evaluated. You should take notes on the reading and class discussion in the journal. The journal will also be a place for daily assignments. All this preliminary material may be of value to you when you write your papers.

The journal may be in any form comfortable to you and your writing process. If you are not sure what to use, I recommend sewn, hardbound notebooks, because these are the most durable. If you write on a computer, you may consider taking notes on a computer.

All papers should be typed, double spaced, and properly annotated, following the format of the MLA Handbook, 3rd ed. If you do not own the MLA Handbook, you are strongly advised to purchase it at the bookstore. Daily assignments and journals may be handwritten unless otherwise indicated.

You are encouraged to consult secondary materials. We learn to make good arguments by analyzing the good arguments of others. However, you will be writing about the works on the reading list, and you must substantiate your arguments with evidence from the texts themselves. If secondary sources figure into your paper, appropriate citations must be provided. FAILURE TO PROVIDE PROPER CITATIONS IS A COMMON FORM OF INADVERTANT PLAGIARISM. All your assignments will be graded primarily on the basis of evidence and argument, with special emphasis on form, grammar and documentation, since this is a writing course. We will discuss each assignment in greater detail in class.

BOOKLIST English 120/Fall 1994

English Composition II: Writing and Literature

REQUIRED READING (campus bookstore):*


FILM (in class screening)


* N.B.: This is the form that your bibliography entries should take, when you write your papers. See MLA Handbook, 3rd edition for more details.

You are generally discouraged from using other editions. Even if you have read some of the works already in another version, it is wise to acquire the assigned texts so that you can follow along in class. Abridgements are unacceptable. Some of these books may be offered in other classes. Make sure you use the editions listed for this class. Other versions of Gilgamesh are outdated and not acceptable, though the Gardner/Maier version has some useful introductory material. You are welcome and encouraged to read in the original language, if you can, but standards are the same no abridgements or "modernized" versions.

You are making a substantial investment of money and time to attend Queens College. Do not squander them by skimping on books or by failing to bring them to class.


8 September 1995
