David A. Goldfarb: Website Archive

Welcome to David Goldfarb's archive of materials that are no longer featured on his website, but still may be of interest to some or may be linked to other sites.

In the Media

Quoted in a discussion of Tolstoy's War and Peace in light of the new translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky on The Fishko Files with Sara Fishko on WNYC, New York Public Radio.

Online Exhibits

[IMAGE: Panika]Polish Expressionism

These seven images are Polish Expressionist graphics I have collected from the journal, Zdrój (The Source), published in Poznań between 1917 and 1922, courtesy of the Slavic and Baltic Division of the New York Public Library.

[IMAGE: Capitalist's Head on a Platter]The Ball of the Mannequins

These eight images accompany the text of Bruno Jasieński's futurist-proletarian drama, The Ball of the Mannequins, as it appeared in the Soviet journal, Literature of the World Revolution, in 1931. Images appear courtesy of the Slavic and Baltic Division of the New York Public Library.

[IMAGE: Warsaw]Traveling to Poland?

Several culturally-inclined friends have asked me for advice about what to read before visiting Poland. Here is a guide to books that would be of interest to travelers to Poland, and to virtual travelers journeying to a Poland of the mind. I haven't had a chance to update this recently, but people still ask me, and many of these texts are still classics.


Last updated September 17, 2018. If you have any suggestions or comments on this page or anything in this archive, please e-mail me.



